Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice. Excellent is that which Allah instructs you. Indeed, Allah is Ever-Hearing and Ever-Seeing.
Infers: Fulfill your responsibilities and honor your commitments. When placed in a position of authority, judge fairly. True justice is not based on personal interests but on what is right.
O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best and best in result.
Infers: Follow divine guidance above all. Leadership is only to be obeyed when they uphold justice and follow Allah’s laws. If there is a dispute, return to the Quran—the Messenger delivered it, and it is the only truth.
Have you not seen those who claim to believe in what was revealed to you and what was revealed before you? They wish to refer judgment to the Taghut (false authorities), even though they were commanded to reject it. But Satan wants to lead them far astray.
Infers: Some claim to believe in the Quran but live life according to another man’s judgment instead of divine guidance. They rely on hadiths and scholars instead of what Allah has revealed. This is exactly how Shaitan has led them further away from the truth.
And when it is said to them, “Come to what Allah has revealed and to the Messenger,” you see the hypocrites turning away from you in aversion.
Infers: When told to only follow the Quran, the hypocrites turn away. They reject divine guidance because they prefer hadiths that shirk responsibility and excuse their shortcomings.
So how [will it be] when disaster strikes them because of what their hands have put forth, then they come to you swearing by Allah, “We only intended goodwill and reconciliation”?
Infers: When hardship comes, they will make excuses, claiming they only meant well. But good intentions without divine guidance lead to nothing but struggle. Turning away from truth only brings complications and regret.
They are those whom Allah knows what is in their hearts, so turn away from them but admonish them and speak to them a word that reaches their souls.
Infers: Only Allah knows what’s in their hearts. Some people will refuse to change their ways no matter what we say. Instead of arguing, speak only the truth that resonates. If they’re sincere, they’ll realize it one day.
And We did not send any messenger except to be obeyed by the permission of Allah. And if, when they wronged themselves, they had come to you and asked forgiveness of Allah, and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah Accepting of repentance and Merciful.
Infers: The Messenger was sent to enforce Allah’s will, not to create his own laws. Now that he is gone, he has left behind the Quran for us to live by. But before you can fix anything, you have to acknowledge where you’re going wrong. Struggles in life are often a sign that something needs to change. True repentance starts with sincere reflection and turning back to Allah.
But no, by your Lord, they will not [truly] believe until they make you judge in what they dispute among themselves and then find within themselves no discomfort about what you have judged and submit in full submission.
Infers: True faith means complete submission to the Quran without hesitation or resistance. If you pick and choose what to follow, then you are not truly submissive. Faith requires true trust in Allah’s guidance, and that comes from the Quran alone. That should be obvious.
And if We had decreed upon them, “Kill yourselves” or “Leave your homes,” they would not have done it, except for a few of them. But if they had done what they were instructed, it would have been better for them and a firmer position [for them in faith].
Infers: If Allah has told you that the Prophet is the final Messenger and the Quran is complete and all you need, then ask yourself—who the hell is Bukhari? And what the hell are Hadith?
And then We would have given them from Us a great reward.
All you have to do is follow what’s in the Quran—nothing more, nothing less.
And We would have guided them to a straight path.
Infers: Ask yourself, wouldn’t life be simpler if you just followed the Quran? And that’s it.
And whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger will be with those whom Allah has blessed—the prophets, the truthful, the martyrs, and the righteous. And what excellent companions they are!
True success is being among those who followed divine guidance without compromise. Just keep it simple instead of thinking above your pay grade.
That is the bounty from Allah, and sufficient is Allah as Knower.
Infers: What could Hadith possibly add that would make things better? How can you believe what Allah has given in the Quran is not sufficient?