Stop Slandering the Prophet ﷺ with Your Ignorance – Surah An-Nur (24:11-19)

The Deception2 days ago14 Views

The Qur’an Warned Us About Fabricated Lies

The biggest slander in Islamic history is the false claim that Aisha was a child when she married the Prophet ﷺ. This lie, which originated from Hadith compilers like Bukhari, has been used for centuries to justify child marriages, oppress women, and distort Islam.

Yet, the Qur’an itself condemns such slander and warns against spreading indecency in the Ummah.


It was a group among you who spread the lie. Do not think it is bad for you; rather, it is good for you. Every one of them will bear their share of sin, and the one who took the greatest part in it will have a severe punishment.

The hadith compilers came from among you Sunnis, right? They spread slander in the name of religion. While it may seem harmful, it actually exposes deception and frees believers from fabricated restrictions that hold them back in life. The main culprit—Bukhari—and the scholars who fabricated hadith to dishonor the Prophet ﷺ will pay the price.


Why, when you heard it, did the believing men and women not think well of themselves and say, “This is an obvious lie?”

Muslims should immediately reject slanderous claims, especially when they contradict the Prophet’s character. The fact that people accept Bukhari’s narration without question proves blind faith in Hadith over the Qur’an.


Why did they not bring four witnesses? Since they did not bring witnesses, they are, in the sight of Allah, the liars.

This is the Qur’anic standard of proof—no witnesses, no truth. Even modern legal systems require character, motive, evidence, and opportunity.

Bukhari’s claims fail all four:

  1. Character – The Prophet ﷺ had a great moral character (68:4, 33:21).
  2. Motive – If he wanted a child, he could have taken a war captive. Instead, he gave Aisha the title of wife, exposing himself to scrutiny, not secrecy.
  3. Evidence – No Qur’anic mention of Aisha’s age. Even his enemies never accused him of being a womanizer or a pervert. The Qur’an (4:6) contradicts child marriage.
  4. Opportunity – As a leader constantly under watch, there was no way he could have done this without being exposed during his lifetime.

Bukhari and those justifying child marriages had an agenda—and it wasn’t to protect Islam.


If it were not for Allah’s favor and mercy upon you in this world and the Hereafter, you would have been touched with a great punishment for what you indulged in.

If Allah had not willed mercy, the damage caused by this slander would have been far worse. And it will get worse if Muslims don’t wake up to the facts. Those who spread Bukhari’s claims and defend child marriage are committing a great sin.


When you received it with your tongues and said with your mouths what you had no knowledge of, thinking it was insignificant—while in the sight of Allah, it was a grave matter.

Mindlessly repeating “Aisha was 6” without evidence is a grave sin. It has fueled child marriages, justified oppression, and distorted Islam. Those who call Bukhari “authentic” are harming the Ummah and tarnishing the Prophet’s honor.


Why, when you heard it, did you not say, “It is not for us to speak of this! Glory be to You, this is a great slander?”

True Muslims should immediately reject false claims about the Prophet ﷺ. Anyone defending Bukhari’s accusations should feel ashamed. Read Surah An-Nisa—we remove those who bring shame to Islam, not defend them like Muhammad Hijab does on public platforms.


Allah warns you never to repeat something like this again, if you are truly believers.

Believers must never repeat Bukhari’s fabricated claim. If you defend it, you are going against the Qur’an itself.


And Allah makes His signs clear to you, for Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.

The truth is clear—the Prophet ﷺ would never commit such an act. Allah exposes deception, and those clinging to Hadith over the Qur’an are being misled.


Indeed, those who love to spread indecency among the believers will have a painful punishment in this world and the Hereafter. Allah knows, and you do not know.

Bukhari’s fabricated hadith has led to child marriages, harm to women, and humiliation of Islam. Those who promote this lie will face a painful punishment unless they repent. Allah knows their deception, even if they disguise it as “scholarship.”

Why Was Aisha’s Real Age Hidden?

If Aisha was truly six at marriage, why did no one mention it during the Prophet’s lifetime? Why did his worst enemies never accuse him of being a pervert? Why was this story only written down two centuries later?

The truth is, Aisha was never a child at marriage. There is historical evidence that she was much older.

  1. Aisha’s older sister, Asma, was 10 years older than her. Asma was born 27 years before the Hijrah, meaning Aisha could not have been younger than 17 at the time of her marriage.
  2. The Hadith places Aisha at the Battle of Uhud, which was in the third year of the Hijrah. The minimum age for participation in battle was 15. This means Aisha had to be at least 15 at the time of Uhud, making her around 18 at the time of marriage.
  3. Aisha was already betrothed before the Prophet ﷺ proposed to her. In Arab culture, this was only possible if she had reached the age of maturity.

Hadith compilers deliberately altered her age to fit their own agenda. Child marriage was a pre-Islamic practice, and these fabricators wanted to keep it alive under the Prophet’s name.

If You Doubt the Prophet’s Character, You Doubt the Qur’an

The Prophet ﷺ would never do anything that makes you feel disgusted about him.

Stop learning Islam from people who profit from it. The Qur’an already warned about religious elites corrupting the truth for power and control (36:21).

There is no historical record proving Aisha was six years old—nothing. In fact, she was already betrothed before the Prophet ﷺ, meaning she had to be of marriageable age.

That engagement fell apart for a reason—possibly due to health issues or family circumstances—leading to her eventual marriage to the Prophet ﷺ.

The Prophet ﷺ never married women who didn’t need protection or care. His marriages were always a social responsibility to support the vulnerable.

At his age, around 50, he was not someone seeking pleasure. In what world would any of the Prophet’s wives disclose their sex life to anyone, let alone men?

Are we that stupid?

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