Breaking Down 4:2 and 4:3

The Deception2 days ago10 Views

Give the orphans their wealth and do not exchange the bad for the good. And do not consume their wealth into your own. Indeed, that is a great sin.

Do not take advantage of the vulnerable. Do not punish those who have done what they were supposed to do by leaving their children homes. Do not punish their children for Allah taking them away early. Do not steal a man’s life purpose simply because Allah called him back. That is among the worst of sins.

And if you fear that you will not be just to orphans, then marry those that please you from among the women, two, three, or four. But if you fear that you will not be just, then [marry only] one or what your right hands possess. That is more suitable that you may not incline [to injustice].

If you cannot care for the vulnerable on your own, then marry their widowed mothers as well, ensuring they’re kept together, protected, and provided for. If you can support more than one, whether it is women escaping abuse or those abandoned, then you may do so, but only if you can remain fair and have the blessings of the women you are married to.

The Only Verse on Polygamy in the Qur’an

This is the only verse in the Qur’an where polygamy is mentioned, and it has nothing to do with desire. The entire verse is about taking care of orphans and vulnerable women.

  • Men are only allowed to marry multiple wives in cases where widows or abandoned women need protection and provision.
  • This is not a free pass for men to collect wives for personal pleasure.
  • If a man’s own wife does not approve, then it is automatically injustice.
  • Marriage in Islam is an act of duty and social responsibility, not indulgence.

Right-Hand Possessions Are Not Concubines

  • “What your right hands possess” is a metaphor for vulnerable women—those who were enslaved, captured in war, or abandoned.
  • In today’s world, this refers to abused women, women escaping violence, and those with no family or support.
  • The Qur’an never permits concubines or sex slavery.
  • That entire concept comes from Bukhari and his cronies, who twisted Islamic teachings to justify their own perversions.

Aisha’s Marriage & Exposing Bukhari’s Lies

If 4:3 means marriage is only for protecting vulnerable women, then Aisha must have been abandoned or rejected.

  • If Aisha was truly a child, then she would have been protected by her father and family—she would not have needed marriage.
  • For her to fit under 4:3, there must have been a reason why no one else would marry her.
  • This suggests there was a medical issue, infertility, or something that led to her original engagement being broken off.
  • She must have been beyond the age of purity before this was known.
  • This proves once again that the Hadith’s version of Aisha’s marriage is a complete fabrication.

Bukhari’s Lies Are What Make Islam Look Bad

  • There is no such thing as concubines or forced sex slaves in the Qur’an.
  • There is no ruling that allows men to marry for pleasure—it is always about protecting women and children.
  • Sahih Bukhari and his people twisted Islam beyond recognition, making it seem oppressive and immoral.
  • He and his scholars have done more to damage Islam’s reputation than any disbeliever ever could.
  • He is a total Dajjal, and his distortions are the reason the Ummah is weak today.

The True Conditions of Polygyny in Islam

  • A man can only marry multiple wives if he is fulfilling a duty to the Ummah—protecting widows, orphans, or vulnerable women.
  • He cannot marry a virgin who has no need for protection—there is no basis for that in the Qur’an.
  • He cannot marry without his wife’s blessing, because that would be injustice.
  • Forcing a wife into polygamy or making her choose between accepting another wife or divorce is oppression.
  • Polygamy is only allowed when necessary, and in the modern world, there is barely any need for it.
  • Unless a man’s wife wants a companion, a friend, or to expand the household for the sake of the Ummah, then there is no excuse for a man to initiate polygyny.

This is the truth of polygamy in Islam—it is a duty, not a privilege. Anyone who says otherwise is lying about Allah’s words.

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